Mood changes - Hormone Care Center

What is mood changes?

Mood changes refer to shifts or fluctuations in a person's emotional state. We all experience ups and downs in mood from time to time. However, some people go through more extreme or frequent mood swings that can significantly impact their daily life.

Common causes of mood changes include:

Signs of problematic mood changes include mood swings that:

If you struggle with intense or frequent mood swings, seek help from a mental health professional. A psychiatrist can evaluate what may be causing your mood instability and determine an appropriate treatment plan which may include therapy, lifestyle changes, stress management techniques, and/or psychiatric medication if warranted.

In summary, mood changes refer to shifts in emotions that we all experience. More extreme or disruptive mood swings can signal underlying medical, mental health, or lifestyle issues that require professional care. Support is available through counseling, medication options, self-care strategies, and in some cases, hormone balancing therapies. Being attentive to changes in your moods and taking proactive steps to regulate difficult emotions can help you maintain an improved sense of well-being.

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