Inflammation - Hormone Care Center

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is your body's response to infection or injury. It's a complex biological process that involves your immune system, blood vessels, and other molecules.

When tissue gets damaged, either by a cut, a virus like the flu, or even excessive exercise, it causes inflammation. This is a normal and healthy response. The purpose of inflammation is healing.

Here's how it works step-by-step:

  1. The injured or infected cells release chemicals, including histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins. These act as alarm signals that tell your body something's wrong.
  2. The chemicals cause nearby blood vessels to expand (dilate). This causes more blood to leak into the tissues, making them appear swollen, red, and warm - that's inflammation.
  3. More blood brings more infection-fighting white blood cells like macrophages. The macrophages engulf and destroy viruses, bacteria, and dead or damaged cells by phagocytosis. This cleans up the debris so your body can begin healing.
  4. After macrophages do their work, more white blood cells like lymphocytes move in. They further coordinate the immune response by releasing chemicals like cytokines. This prolongs the inflammation for days or even weeks.

"As your trusted hormone health partner for over 10 years, Hormone Care Center understands inflammation. Our dedicated physicians offer customized treatment plans to address hormone imbalances that can contribute to inflammation. Schedule a consultation today to discuss science-based, natural solutions for your unique health needs."

Eventually, if the infection is successfully cleared, the inflammatory response will gradually subside. New blood vessels may grow, collagen will be deposited, and new tissue will regenerate until the area is healed.

While inflammation subsides on its own over time, hormones play an important modulating role. For example, cortisol is a powerful anti-inflammatory hormone. At Hormone Care Center clinic, we use advanced testing to check your hormone levels and see if any imbalances are worsening inflammation in your body. Our physicians then develop custom treatment plans that can include bioidentical hormones, nutrition plans, and lifestyle changes to support healthy inflammation balance.

Now you know the key facts about inflammation:

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