Hot flashes - Hormone Care Center

What is hot flashes?

Hot flashes, also known as hot flushes, are sudden feelings of warmth that spread across the body and face. They can cause sweating, reddening of the skin, faster heartbeat, dizziness or a feeling of faintness, and sometimes a chill afterward.

Hot flashes are very common during perimenopause and menopause – the period leading up to and the years following the end point of a woman's menstrual cycles. They happen when changing hormone levels affect the body's temperature regulating center in the brain, causing blood vessels near the skin's surface to dilate rapidly. While not fully understood, scientists think the expanding blood vessels trigger nerves to release substances that then cause sweating and flushing.

Here’s a quick overview of what to know about hot flashes:

When hot flashes become very bothersome or impact your daily activities, bringing them up with your healthcare provider is wise. Treatments exist that can help reduce frequency and severity.

At Hormone Care Center, we specialize in safe, effective hot flash relief, carefully tailored to your unique needs as a woman. Our expert physicians are leaders in menopausal health and hormone balancing.

We take time to really listen, then offer balanced, evidence-based advice and compassionate care so you can feel more yourself again. From lifestyle changes and non-hormonal therapies to customized bioidentical hormone replacement when needed, we develop personalized treatment plans to help women thrive through the menopause transition and beyond.

Contact us today to schedule your Hot Flash Freedom consultation! Our goal is for you to live well and radiate from the inside out, no matter your age or stage.

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