Anxiety - Hormone Care Center

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a common mental health condition characterized primarily by persistent, excessive worries and fears that are out of proportion to the situation. While a little anxiety can be helpful in some situations, anxiety becomes a problem when it is severe enough to interfere with daily activities and quality of life.

Some key things to know about anxiety:

Treatment options aim to help people manage their anxiety levels and improve quality of life. Self-care strategies like exercise, relaxation techniques, support groups, and healthy lifestyle habits can help. For moderate to severe anxiety, the most effective treatment is often therapy, sometimes combined with anti-anxiety medications.

To recap, anxiety refers to excessive fear or worry that interferes with normal function. It comes in many forms with both physical and emotional symptoms. While anxiety is a challenging condition, various treatment options exist including therapy, medication, and self-care strategies. Relief is possible, so reach out for help if your anxiety feels unmanageable. You deserve to feel better!

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